Coming soon… TSCFIS Non-Profit 501(c)(3)

Coming soon… TSCFIS Non-Profit 501(c)(3)

We are looking for volunteers who are ready, willing and able to donate their time and efforts to move this effort forward.

Our group has been growing very quickly, we’re starting to get noticed in some NY government offices, and our first two printed articles are going out in the next week.

We believe we are ready to move this group to the next step, from where we started as a simple Facebook Group, into a real organization that can take action on behalf of consumers.

Q: What do I need to know?
A: The Tri-State Coalition for Fair Internet Service is in the early stages of registering as a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization.

Q: What does this mean for me?
A: – Expect an improved quality of our content as we will have the ability to upgrade many of our services to keep the organization running, some at no cost to us.
– We will be able to start accepting donations from donors of all sizes.
– As a non-profit, we can establish a better standing and reputation with local government and news agencies.

Q: What do I need to do?
A: As one of the first steps to register, we need a Board of Directors with no less than 5 regular members. We currently have three active board members:
– Frank Kanter – Middle Island, NY 
– Jacob Kraniak – Port Jefferson Station, NY 
– Kathen Cowan – Highland, NY

We are looking for at least 2 volunteers, one member at large and another board officer (perhaps secretary). We would ask that you at minimum attend one general board meeting per month so we can reach a quorum which is required to conduct business. We are especially interested in recruiting board members from NJ, CT and other states

Q: When will this be happening?
A: We do not have a set date for this change, though we are preparing the initial steps.

Q: Who does this affect?
A: Our entire membership and overall community.

Q: Who do I contact if I have questions or want to get involved?
A: Please email us at

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